Gew is an engineer
Provisional IELTS result
Computer-delivered IELTS: You can preview your results online within 5-7 days of your computer-delivered IELTS test date, using the "Preview your result" link above.
Paper-based IELTS: You can preview your results online on the 13th day after your paper-based IELTS test date, unless otherwise specified in the information provided by your test centre, using the "Preview your result" link above.
Your scores explained
When previewing your results online, you will see a table with an explanation of your scores, and advice for improvement. This will be available to view online, alongside your results, for 28 days.
IELTS ChiangMai
Call A. Jan 053-221539
cell : 093- 1301563
Call A. Jan 053-221539
cell : 093- 1301563